The 2024 Olympics and Paralympics – with a budget of 10 billion euros (1) – could have guaranteed the accessibility of Paris to athletes, citizens and tourists with disabilities. [...]
The Council of State - in the ruling of 12 August 2024, which confirms that of the Emilia-Romagna TAR (1) - denies students with disabilities the right to inclusion [...]
Poverty takes different forms. Poverty also means not being able to afford an adequate meal every two days, not being able to cope with unexpected expenses, not having [...]
We have received and published the open letter from Giulia, a mother and caregiver of a 10-year-old child with a serious disability (Charge syndrome), who [...]
The 193 member states of the WHO (World Health Organization) are preparing to sign a 'pandemic treaty' which entails renouncing their sovereignty and [...]
On 12 April 2024, the Council approved the directive for 'green homes', already approved by the European Parliament on 12 March, to introduce the obligation of [...]
Minimum income, poverty and social exclusion are the most serious symptoms of the inequalities that our association Égalité and our movement #PaceTerraDignità – in the elections [...]