November 7, 2021

Disability and social inclusion, SDGs 2030. European Parliament resolution

The European Parliament - with resolution 7.10.21 on the protection of persons with disabilities - underlines the need to concretely implement the UN Convention (CRPD, Convention [...]
January 22 2020

Universal health coverage, UN declaration

A high-level political declaration on Universal Health Coverage was adopted on 23.9.19, for the first time in history, by the heads of state and government [...]
14 September 2019

SDGs, the 6 necessary revolutions. Study and comments

Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs. 17 objectives, 169 target indicators. The year 2030 is approaching and human society is retreating rather than advancing. A group of internationally renowned researchers - [...]
5 September 2019

Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs. The challenge of humanity

The United Nations Organization (UN) has included the achievement of 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in its 17 agenda. A challenge for humanity, [...]
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