Access to safe food e nutritious it is a fundamental human right, once proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The Assembly also inserted the objective of eliminating hunger in the world (End Hunger) in second place, among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the UN Agenda 2030.
Hunger and malnutritionnevertheless they are constantly increasing. To the point of representing one of the three causes - together with obesity and climate change - of Global Syndemic. That is the global epidemic denounced by the international commission of experts constituted by The Lancet.
La child malnutrition - according to recent reports from the UN and its FAO agencies (Food and Agriculture Organisation), WFP (World Food Program) - constitutes an absolute threat to the future of humanity. Causing deaths, crippling diseases and obstacles to the development of the younger generations.
The globalization exploitation in unsustainable agri-food chains must be opposed at the political level. But also and above all with the daily consumption choices. #Ivotewithmywallet it means choosing products that come from fair and sustainable supply chains.
Change can be obtained by pressing from below by consumActors responsible and cohesive. With the aim of imposing a substantial variation of the offer, according to a systemic approach indispensable to mitigate the ecological and social crisis taking place on a planetary level.
Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.