UN agencies indicate that 29% of the planet's population, over 2 billion people, currently are in conditions of severe or 'moderate' food insecurity. (1) A euphemism, this last adjective, to express that to the 700 million afflicted by extreme hunger, there are 1,3 billion individuals with difficulties and uncertainties of daily access to food, water and indispensable sanitary resources. These estimates are inevitably approximate, as they take into account the systematic defect of censuses in low-middle-income countries (Low-Middle Income Countries, LMIC) and in remote areas.

The ambassadors of Égalité - those who better than others can represent the value and the undeferable need of an inclusive, supportive society, respectful of communities and the ecosystem - therefore represent a collective, ubiquitous and syncretic entity. The extent of fundamental 'rights holders' proclaimed by the United Nations and other organizations designed to promote the common good. An endless group of individuals to whom we have no power to attribute the well-deserved honors, nor any desire to ask for anything. Except to express favor for our initiatives dedicated to them all, to the few who will have news.

The few individuals that we have the opportunity to point out, in the following pages, therefore represent only some valuable examples of life experiences that in our humble opinion deserve to be known and shared. To better understand the situations that a civil society - as we delude ourselves to be the one in which we live - should deal with concrete and effective tools. To mitigate the disadvantages, of individuals and their families, and allow each to lead a better existence than the status quo.

Nurturing hope, helping ourselves by dedicating ourselves to others. Also, and not only, by offering specific contributions - in cash or other resources, physical and human - aimed at projects in each country. (2)

(Dario Dongo)


(1) See FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP, WHO. (2019) The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2019,

(2) Donations can be made to:

Égalité Onlus
Lungotevere di Pietra Papa 111
00146 Rome
CF 96411760588
IBAN IT11N0501803200000016810848

With specification of the project LINK OUR PROJECTS or Country where it is intended, if necessary, to specifically address one's generosity. For help in different goods or resources, you can write to info@egalite.org