A) Observe

Observe, listen, to consult. The starting point is to collect information on reality data. The macroeconomic and statistical data, where available, make it possible to view the overall scenarios. But the censuses are rare, the information disorganized even at the level of state administrations, the estimates consequently approximate.

The daily reality it must therefore be explored by listening to the requests of individuals and groups gathered to carry out projects which, in various ways, aim at respecting individuals and territories, at inclusion, at the solution of often unheard problems. With a bottom-up approach. That is, it is necessary to observe situations live, to listen to the voices of those who face them in order to understand their scope and possible remedies.

Upside down. Observing and listening to the specific criticality is the basis for verifying whether and how it is experienced and managed in other social and geographical contexts. Does the identified problem have a recurrence elsewhere? Has anyone found a way to deal with it, privately and / or publicly? Have standards, best practices, ideas and projects been developed? From below, from the particular to the general, a solution is always possible.


B) Share

To share it is the opportunity offered to each of us all to pass from the 'contemplative' (or indifferent, depending on the point of view) phase to action. Social responsibility is useful in every gesture, from responsible consumption choices to separate waste collection. But it is never enough, the world would not be so small otherwise. More can be done.

Connect the positive experiences of the numerous projects useful to the community, carried out so far in the various territories. What problems, experiences, measures taken and possible solutions. Processing the data, with the head and with the heart, so that critical issues can be resolved. By highlighting them, with adequate visibility, so that they can receive support.

Égalité is not the book Heart of the XNUMXst century. Listening, observing and sharing is not enough. Problems exist to be addressed with the effectiveness necessary to solve them, without respite. And this is our mission, to actively participate in society so that the transformation takes place in concrete and tangible terms, through the projects that we initiate and carry out until they are completed.


C) Acting together

Acting together for the good and respect of individuals, animals and the environment is the raison d'etre of Égalité. Good intentions are not enough, let alone nice words or expressions of solidarity. Concrete commitments and help are needed, not for the association but for all of us and those around us. The Good produces happiness in the first place in those who do it and is contagious, when you learn it it is difficult to get rid of it.

Work and commitments daily are the practice of each, acting for others is a choice that requires as much attention. Decide which activities to undertake, even if only the commitment to support a single project until its completion, and maintain it continuously. The responsibility does not belong to a group of a privileged few, it belongs to all of us. We can all make a difference, in practice. And also to convince, or force, the privileged few to participate in the common good.

Égalité it aspires to gather the participation of all those who intend to act for the common good. Referring this concept to the ethics and criteria on which the international conventions for the fundamental rights of man and ecosystem are based. With particular attention to the rights of the most vulnerable communities - children and the elderly, women and LGBT, the disabled and the sick - as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs), in the UN Agenda 2030.

(Dario Dongo)